We could not be more ready to skip into Spring this month! Flowers start blooming, the weather becomes warmer, and our favorite remodeling trends come out to play. Springtime begins on March 20th and is the perfect time to incorporate some of our go-to springtime trends.
Category Archives: Kitchen Trends
The Remodeling Process: Why Choose Reed Design Build?
So, what does the remodeling process look like? How long does it take? Why should I consider going with a design-build company as opposed to an independent contractor? These are all great questions to ask when entering into your remodeling process. It’s essential to go over all the options and decide which one best fits you. Let’s […]
Aging In Place | A Guide To Independent Home Living
What does aging in place mean? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, aging in place is “the ability to live in one’s own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level.” As we age, it’s essential to consider what will make you feel the most comfortable […]
Our Remodeling Recap Of 2020: How We Implemented Popular Design Trends
Well, folks, we have made it to the end of yet another year. A wild ride of a year, to say the least. There are many different lessons this year has taught us. It has taught us all how to work pretty much every video-calling platform there is; it’s taught us to cherish sharing an […]
Implementing 2020 Trends Into Your Home
In the last blog post, we talked about the trending colors for this 2020 year! Today, we’re sharing exciting ways you can implement those trending colors into your home. Here’s a little refresher on the 2020 colors: Earthy shades of greens and blues. Brown based colors like buff, mocha, and ivory, as well as jeweled […]
2020 Design trends: Natural Colors
Over the past few months, we’ve been taking the necessary precautions we need to ensure client and employee safety. We hope that you and your family have been staying safe during this difficult time. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, we were working diligently on a 2020 Design Trend Seminar that focused on the trending colors and […]